Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Benefits of Morning Exercise

Early morning workouts provide numerous benefits for your health and your schedule.
I always tell my clients that working out in the mornings is always ideal and once you try it out, you will more than likely increase your chances for staying in a fitness progrm.

Why the early 6am workouts?  The first benefit is that it will regulate your sleeping cycle.
Whenever I have to workout in the early morning either 6am or 7am, I always discipline myself to sleep early.  It takes the human body approximately 2 weeks to adjust to any condition, so within a couple of weeks you will be used to waking up early to train.

Morning workouts will also raise your energy level for the day and keep you alert focused for the rest of the day.

Perhaps the most important reason of starting a fitness program in the morning is to have consistency as part of the plan!  While working as a trainer in a big corporate gym, I always noticed that the serious professionals would always be training from 6am-8am.  These tend to be doctors, lawyers, bankers, or any other serious professionals.  They understood the value of incorporating training into their daily lives.  Also, when you work out first thing in the morning you will be done for the rest of the day and make no excuses even when you have a long busy and tiring day at the office. When you are consistent, you will eventually notice results faster!  That is the key secret ingredient to making gains and making progress towards your fitness goals.

Finally, a big reason why it is beneficial to workout in the mornings is that your body will get better at burning calories.  You will rev up your metabolism and turn it into a fat burning machine, with the right fitness program that is.

If you're looking for a fun, energizing, and very intense bootcamp work out in the morning and you have limited time come check out the B.O.S.S Fit Express program on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6am-6:37am.  This program is ideal for professionals that want some serious results while spending only a fraction of time working out.

Contact Coach Corey at 416-285-8861 or email
Ryouko Martial Arts, 91 Rylander Blvd, Unit 1-21

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