Friday, November 2, 2012

Goal Setting The Key To Unlimited Success

Many people may feel as they are adrift in this world, working alot but not getting anywhere worthwhile.
A key reason they feel this way is they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want.
When you are setting goals, you are planning for your ideal future, and motivating yourself for future success.

Let me ask you a question.  Would you plan a major road trip without planning a route and following a map to your ultimate destination?  You are more than likely to get lost, wander around aimlessly, and get frustrated along the way.

Similarly, many people do not take the time to plan for the future or what they want out of life.  They have either very vague goals in life, keep their goals in back of their minds (I'll get to it someday....), or hope by some stroke of luck opportunity will come their way.

The process of setting goals helps you get you to where you want to be in life.  By having a plan, you can formulate a strategy, and focus your efforts to achieving your goal.  Let's face it.  Life gets tough, and we can easily be distracted by day-to-day things that come up, and we live in a society where it is incredibly fast pace.  It is important to set goals, so when we get caught up by distractions, we can begin to focus back to what's important --  Our goals!

Why do you want to achieve your goals?  The answer to that question has power.  It will motivate and drive you.  It is the motivation that can help you get up at 5am in the morning and make you work longer and harder to achieve the goals we set out.

Now we can all have different goals in our life areas:
  • Spiritual
  • Personal development
  • Leisure time
  • Professional
  • Family
  • Education
  • Financial
  • Health and physical well being
 Consider the following list of obstacles that could block you from accomplishing your goals:
  • I need to feel secure
  • I may fail
  • I doubt my skills
  • Changing things I always do things is not easy
  • I have too many things to do
Remember, all of those obstacles are limitations we impose on ourselves.  We put mental blocks and barriers immediately when we begin to have a negative mind set.  The pessimist will always see obstacles.  However, the optimist will always see an opportunity whenever there are obstacles and challenges.

 "Whether you think you can or can't, you are right." Henry Ford

Whatever you choose to put your focus on, it will increasingly become your reality.  So, if you set yourself personal limitations and think "I can't, I won't, I've never done it before, what if I fail?"  Chances are you will fail.

Let's focus on some strategies that will help you brush negativity away and increase our chances of attaining our goals.

When setting goals, use the S.M.A.R.T. formula.  Some of the questions you might ask are:
Specific - What do I want to accomplish? Purpose or benefit of achieving goals.
Measurable - How much, How many?
Attainable - How can the goal be accomplished?
Relevent - Does this seem worthwhile?  Does this match our needs?
Time - What can I do today?  What can I accomplish in 6 months?

Another area that will help you achieve your goals is breaking down your goals into periods of time blocks.

Short term goals (example: 3 months or less)
Medium term goals (example: under 1 year)
Long term goals (example: anywhere from 5-10 years)

So what do I want you to do today?  I want you to go home, write down a personal list of goals that you want to achieve.  Remember, whatever that is in writing will help you visualize your success and increase the chances of you reaching your goals.  

Review your list of goals every night before you go to bed.  Finally, the most important part of goal achieving is ACTION.  So get motivated, set some goals, and get to it!

Yours in good health,

Coach Corey

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