Monday, November 19, 2012

Motivation Mondays: The Power Of Action!

The power of action can be the greatest weapon you can have to goal achievement.  Every action begins with a thought, but not every thought leads to action.  Unfortunately, most of our greatest thoughts get buried into the backburner.

How many times have you thought to yourself,
"I'll get to cleaning the yard...."
"I'll get to writing a list of my tasks for the week..."
"I'll get to reading that book on personal development ..."
"I'll get to losing weight ..."
"I'll get to working out ... "

The list of "I'll get to" often leads to "I'll just hope that it happens".  The difference between successful people and those that just hope and wish for it is The Power Of Action.

Keep it simple.  Don't think ... but like Nike says "Just Do It!"

The power of action seperates the talkers from the doers.  The day when your life changes, is when you empower yourself to follow through with what you say.  It seperates the successful people from the average.  The goal oriented from the procrastinators. 

In order for you to get more out of life, you must raise your personal standards higher, make a list of goals you plan to tackle through, and follow through with commitment and action!

You might think to yourself, "We'll its easier said than done.  There's so much to do, so little time to accomplish anything, i mean some people are just damn lucky..."

To achieve all that you want out of life, there must be an attitude shift.  Nothing is handed to you in this world.  No one owes you anything.  The second you eliminate this mindshift of entitlement, is the second you free yourself from self-limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. 

No more, "I Deserve attitude."  If you want something out of life, you must work harder for it.
By harder I mean more dedication, more focus, and even putting in longer hours.

If you are overweight, have health issues, stop blaming poor genetics.  Empower yourself with education and if you need assistance seek advice from those who are qualified professionals to help you reach your goals.

So if you have a goal to get healthy and start into a fitness program, start today!  Even if you plan to go for a jog, set some time up for today and DO IT NOW! Not tomorrow, not one week from today.  DO IT NOW!

Just remember, what's hard in the beginning eventually becomes easy.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Coach Corey


  1. Very well said Coach Corey! Thinking of success is just the beginning, however thought without action is just wishful thinking. Afterall you can't get to the end of a journey if you don't take the first step!

    1. Thanks @TLLewis, success all begins in the mind first. If we improve every single day, our journey to success is inevitable. Take action daily!
